Get to Know New ALB Board Member Karissa Isaacs

Karissa Isaacs

The American Lamb Board (ALB) is pleased to welcome new member Karissa Isaacs of Milliken, Colorado to serve the American Lamb industry. 

Isaacs is the Director of Producer Resources for Superior Farms. In her role on the ALB, Isaacs represents first handlers.  Isaacs works directly with producer partners to develop programs to improve production efficiencies and consistency through camera grading, genetic research and producer education.

Isaacs grew up in the sheep industry and focused her education on lamb quality, obtaining her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Colorado State University in animal science, emphasizing meat quality. During Isaacs’ education, she worked on numerous lamb quality projects, including her thesis on Differentiating Flavor Differences in American Lamb and the National Lamb Quality Audit.

Isaacs joins the other ALB members, representing six producers, three feeders, three first handlers and one seedstock producer. Two producers must own 100 head or less of lambs annually; one producer must own 101-500 head of lambs annually; and three producers must own more than 500 head of lambs annually. At least one feeder must feed less than 5,000 head of lambs annually and at least one must feed more than 5,000 head of lambs annually.

Current ALB members are:

  • Andrew Allman, first handler, Gill, Colo., serving his first term from 2022-2025

  • Travis Anderson, first handler, Brownsville, Ore., serving his first term from 2020-2023

  • Carlos Barba, first handler, Naperville, Ill., serving his first term from 2021-2024

  • Peter Camino, feeder, Buffalo, Wyo., Chair (more than 5,000 head), serving his second term from 2018-2024

  • Mike Duff, seedstock producer, Blackfoot, Idaho, serving his first term from 2021-2024

  • Jeff Ebert, producer, St. George, KS, current vice chair (representing producers with 100 head or less)

  • David Fisher, producer, Sonora, Texas (less than 500 head), serving his first term from 2022-2025

  • Don Hawk, feeder (at-large), Danville, Ohio, current treasurer 

  • Dave McEwen, producer, Galata, Mont. (less than 500 head), serving his first term from 2021-2024

  • Jimmy Parker, producer, Vinemont, Ala., (101-500 head), serving his first time from 2022-2025

  • Steve Schreier, feeder, Tracy, Minn. (less than 5,000 head), serving his first term from 2022-2025

  • Sally Scholle, producer, Littlestown, Penn., Secretary (100 or less head), serving in her second term from 2018-2024

  • Gary Visintainer, producer, Craig, Colo. (representing producers with 500+ head)

ALB members must be nominated by a certified producer organization and submit a completed application. USDA will be soliciting nominations for 2024 Board seats this Spring.  

ALB staff and board members are available to provide program updates at state and association meetings and field days. Please contact to schedule.

The American Lamb Board (ALB) is an industry-funded national research, promotion and information checkoff program that works on behalf of all American commercial and seedstock producers, feeders, direct marketers and processors to build awareness and demand for American Lamb. Funding is through mandatory assessments paid by all industry segments. The board is appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture and represents all industry sectors, geographic regions and sizes of production. The work of the ALB is overseen by USDA and supported by staff in Denver, Colorado. 

ALB’s annual budget averages about $2.5 million. Almost two-thirds of funds are devoted to American Lamb promotion. By law, the Board’s expenditures for administration are limited to 10% or less of projected revenues. The board was established in 2002.


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