American Lamb Goes to School(s)

American Lamb Food Prep

The American Lamb Board (ALB) participated in the Center for the Advancement of Culinary Education (CAFÉ) Leadership Conference to share American Lamb information and classroom tools. Working with CAFÉ in advance of the conference, ALB sponsored a lamb recipe contest. Chef Tyler Baxter of Northampton College was selected for his American Lamb Merguez Corndogs with Green Apple Relish and Turmeric Mustard. He attended the conference to serve his upscale corndog dish at the opening reception.

ALB has  worked with many culinary educators to develop lesson plans and articles which are offered to culinary educators on the CAFÉ website:

Fresh Craft Sausages with American Lamb

Sausage Making with American Lamb

Fabricating and Preparing an American Lamb Shoulder

Sheep Rancher Profile

Globally Inspired Lamb Dishes

Lamb: Whole Animal Fabrication

An American Lamb cuts poster and step-by-step fabrication sheets are also popular tools for use in culinary education. New in 2023, The American Lamb grazing video now appears on a top chef education website,, along with an American Lamb butchery video and several American Lamb cooking videos.

“Educators can not teach what they don’t know,” says Megan Wortman, ALB executive director. “Our culinary education programs and our work with culinary educators helps to teach lamb butchery, lesson plans for ground lamb and more.”

About the American Lamb Board

The American Lamb Board (ALB) is the national promotion, research and information checkoff program that works on behalf of all American producers (commercial and seedstock), feeders, direct marketers and processors to build demand for American Lamb. Funding is through mandatory assessments paid by all industry segments. The 13-member board represents all industry sectors, geographic regions and sizes of production. The work of the ALB is overseen by USDA and supported by staff in Denver, CO. Almost two-thirds of the annual budget funds American Lamb promotion programs. For more information, contact ALB at:,, or 866-327-LAMB (5262).


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